

In the New Covenant, we are "set" free ... the word "set" should be "made".  I did a word study on those two words.  In some places of Scripture when it's from God for us, it should've been translated made. So this interchange isn't always correct.  If you are made something, it cannot be changed ... but if you are set, you can be unset, be lost.  

God made us free because of the Covenant ... because of Jesus, His Crucifixion,  His conquoring the devil in hell, taking back the keys that Satan had stolen from Adam, His Resurrection ... everything that He had to do to get us out of the kingdom of darkness, the devil's kingdom, and into His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light .... back into God, the Father's, family. 

So "made free" is the more powerful wording of this Covenant Blessing because it means that God is never going to change it.  We are FREE ... period ... end of case! 

Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler  



John 3:16

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