Category: Nuggets and Pearls
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For years the theology of "once saved, always saved", and "once a Christian, always a Christian" was believed.  People bought into it, repeated the "sinners prayer", and then went back and did their own thing, living like the world again.  I never agreed with it then and now I really disagree with it wholeheartedly. 

The devil has a "counterfeit christianity" that's leading a lot of well-meaning, wonderful people to hell ... and they don't even know it!  Not everybody who calls themselves "Christian" is a born-again Christian.

Lots of people who attend a "christian church", vs. a "cult-type" (morman, some eastern religion, etc.) call themselves "christian", but have never done anything about asking Jesus to be their Savior, so they are not born again, not a true Christian.  They are depending upon their church for their salvation.  This is the BOTTOM LINE.   

Many can start out being a "Christian" ... fully convinced that they've accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  But if they don't make Him the Lord of their life, they may not really have been born again like they think they were. 

Jesus has to be the LORD of your life, or you'll be out there doing and saying the same old things that you did before.  When you are truly born again, you'll let the old things drop away, and desire the new things of God.   

Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler