Category: Nuggets and Pearls
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Be imitators of Jesus ... mimicking Him ... being in His EXACT LIKENESS.  

Romans 8:29 AMP. ... For those whom He foreknew ... of whom He was aware and loved beforehand ... He also destined from the beginning (foreordaining them) to be molded into the Image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness] ....  

God has conformed us to be exactly like Jesus. 

2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP. ... And all of us, as with unveiled face [because we] continue to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror, the Glory of the Lord.  We  are constantly being transfigured into His very own Image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of Glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 

This ties into the fact that we have both man's glory and God's Glory in us.  We must see this intead of everything else that we see when we look in the mirror.  We should be seeing the Glory that God has put in us to be able to walk and talk and be just like Jesus.    

Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler