We have two parts to our being ... a physical part and a spiritual part. We feed each of these parts certain foods. We nourish our physical being with three meals a day and our spiritual being with words that we put in our hearts.
If "junk food" is all we feed to our physical man, it won't be long before we become weak and sickly. Spiritual food, God's words, the Scriptures, must be put into our spiritual man for it to remain healthy and strong. If we just "feed" on tv. shows, video games, etc., we won't have the right spirit food to draw on when we need it.
These are what we call "weed seeds". If all we take into our spirits are these "weed seeds", then that's all that's going to come out of our mouths when we speak.
Everyone has heard it said: "What goes in is what's going to come out." This was first meant for the information that was put into a computer, but it goes for our spiritual man also.
What we allow to enter in by the way of our seeing and hearing ... what we allow ourselves to think about ... is what we're going to speak out in words ... what we'll continually talk about.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler