When Jesus was hung on the cross all of His Blood poured forth from His flesh. He wasn't dead in the sense that there was no more life in Him ... He was very much alive. His soul was very much alive, hooked up with His Spirit Man.
Since His flesh died and was placed into the tomb, His spirit and soul had to leave. Where did His spirit and soul go? They went to hell just like the Bible said they did.
The Life of both His spirit and soul is the Glory of God and this Glory went with Him down into hell and defeated the devil. Jesus had to stay there until the time of redemption had been fulfilled. He did not die spiritually. He went to hell spiritually.
His body had a specific purpose: in the natural, it had to do what He did, giving His Blood as the offering for the sins of mankind. This is the better covenant than the Old Covenant where they had only animals' blood. Life is in the blood, and that life sacrifice in those animals' blood was an atonement that the Old Testament priests used once a year, every year, for the sins of the people.
The New Covenant, the better covenant, is with the Blood of Jesus, shed on the cross once and never has to be done again ever. Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler