Category: Nuggets and Pearls
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2 Corinthians 5:7 says that we are not moved by what we see, or don't see ... we are moved by FAITH. 

We have inherited all the Covenant Promises of God.  Abraham persevered year after year hoping against all hope.  All odds were against him, yet he patiently endured.  He held onto his Covenant Promise until it manifested in his life. 

When we call things that be not, and there seems to be no manifestation of them in our lives, just thank God for the answer.  Do not go back and pray for them again.  This is unbelief because we're to believe that we receive the answers when we pray

Here's what I pray: "OK, Father, this is what I prayed, this is what I'm believing.  Here's where my faith is.  The answer is in Your hands.  Thank You for the manisfestation of the things I prayed for." 

A lot of times we pray for something that we already have, such as healing.  Jesus, when He was on the Cross, took our sicknesses, diseases, weaknesses, and a whole lot more.  We have to go into the Word of God and study it out for ourselves. 

God has told us that everything He has has already been given to us.  We have to find out and then just thank Him that it's done in our life.

 Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler