Category: Nuggets and Pearls
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I had a vision in which God told me: "You can believe something and not have it, but when you know it, you can possess it."  There is a difference between "believing" and "knowing".  I've said it before and I'll say it again: "BELIEVE AND CONFESS (to say it out loud) UNTIL YOU KNOW AND POSSESS." 

Faith and patience play a  part in this.  The first step is believing it, and then faith and patience kick in.  then sooner or later you will know it ... by the evidence, the confirmation ... of what you are believing for.  You have to be moved from the  point of "Yes, I believe that" to "I know that." 

When you are believing for something, another thing can come along which may try to change your believing.  But when you know it and experience it, these other things will be unsuccessful.  This applies to your healing ... it applies to everything written in the Word.

 Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler