Category: Nuggets and Pearls
Hits: 1809


Christmas would not exist if Jesus Christ had not been born and entered the world scene.  Jesus is the Reason for the Season.  All of our colored lights, decorations, gifts, parties, etc., we have at this time of year to do our "Christmas celebration" mean nothing without Him.

Isaiah 9 in the Message Bible says ... and this is not for the Jewish people only, but for all of us who receive Him as our own personal Savior and Lord ... "a Child has been born --- for us; the Gift of a Son --- for us!" 

Then in Luke 2 angels announced the birth of this Child to some people in that region where this occurred that a great and joyful event meant for all people worldwide that the Savior has been born ... everybody.  So His birth happened ... it really did happen ... and this includes for you and for me.

Have you asked Him to be your Savior yet?  This will be the most wonderful Christmas gift you will ever receive!


 Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler