God's intimacy with the Body of Christ is exactly where He wants us to be. He wants us just like Jesus walking around on the Earth.
I didn't say that we were going to be Jesus ... we need to be like Him. Jesus Himself said this: "The works that I do you shall do and even greater works." How are we going to do this unless we are like Him?
Jesus didn't do or say anything except what God told Him to say and do. We need to get in that same vein when it comes to spiritual things in our life. We have to have ears that hear and do what the Holy Spirit is telling us.
Jesus was a human being while he walked on this Earth. He had to do everything as a human being that we have to do: wake up in the morning, get up, and do His natural things before He began His ministering.
And I believe that He was a qualified carpenter as He and Joseph worked together. The Bible doesn't tell us this, so you cannot find it written down. He became human as you and I.
He said, "I don't do anything except what God tells me to do and what He says to say". Our doing and saying what God says to do and say are the two most important things in our obedience to His leading in our lives.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler