Category: Nuggets and Pearls
Hits: 1958


We, as believers, need to maintain our intimacy with Jesus and develop our character to be like Jesus ... exact duplicates

To do this, we must study the Fruit of the Spirit and become more spiritual than fleshly.  We need to be walking on this Earth the same way that Jesus walked by developing a hunger for knowing Jesus more intimately. 

We need to judge ourselves as to how much we act and look like Jesus.  We don't need someone else to come and tell us that we're not acting like Jesus ... for example, in "judging" them.  They like to use this word.

We must first judge ourselves on what the Word of God tells us.  How many of God's attributes or characteristics are we manifesting in our lives?  Are we showing God's agape love, His peace, His longsuffering, His joy, His gentleness, goodness, and faith to others?  These only come through our intimacy with Him, and really is the only way to show Him to others.


 Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler