Many people give the place that God should have in their lives to money. Although money can buy pleasure for awhile, and it will buy food, clothing, a place to live, and a car for you to drive ... it cannot buy the most important thing in your life. Do you know why?
Because the most valuable, most important, and most interesting thing in a person's life is ABSOLUTELY FREE! Many people do not seek ownership of this valuable thing ... but, then again, many people do own it. This very valuable, very precious thing is your salvation.
Jesus Christ, God's Son, paid the price for us. It cost Him His very life, and this salvation is provided as a FREE GIFT to everyone. There is NO PRICE that you and I have to pay. The Bible says that we are made right with God by His Grace. We are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ paid the price of salvation. He gave EVERYTHING. He gave His life.
All of us deserve nothing but God's judgment, but He loves us so much that He laid down His life for our sins. He paid the price ... His precious Blood ... so there remains NO PRICE for us to pay.
Salvation is ours WITHOUT WORKS. We cannot work for it, it is FREE! We cannot brag that we are saved by any work that we have done. When you work, your pay is not given to you as a gift. You earn the pay you get. You cannot do any work that will make you right with God.
You must trust in God, and He accepts your faith. This is what makes you right with Him.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler