Category: Nuggets and Pearls
Hits: 2503


Revelation of God's Truth will not replace your intimacy with Jesus.  It expresses (exposes) it.

Your revelation of God's Truth has to be a  personal thing ... not what someone else's revelation of Truth is.  When you hear revelation Truth from somebody else, it isn't yours until you make it yours.  It must be personal to you.  When you hear someone else's revelation of God's Truth, claim it for your own, and start studying it out until it becomes your own.  This is what the Body of Christ needs to do.

When you hear something that's true, it is not automatically yours.  If you want to memorize something, you have to repeat it at least ten times to yourself out loudYou must hear yourself say it with your own voice before you have the remotest possibility of remembering it.  The same principle would apply with making someone else's revelation your own. 

Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler