I have a Greater ME on the Inside of me!
Last Sunday at the church gathering that we attend, Pastor's wife, Pastor Lynette, spoke this word out and it settled in my spirit. She said:
"I have a Greater Me on the inside of me!" She stands in front of her mirror, extends her pointer finger out to her image standing in front of her, and speaks this out to herself. She defies the devil to come and attack her today ... he will run into God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit residing in her. He cannot win and he cannot stay.
1 John 4:4a says that we are of God and have overcome ..... because He Who is in us is greater ... GREATER than any ....
God is in me and He is in you, after you make Him your Savior. And we are in Him. I have overcome ... I am victorious over the evil works of darkness.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler