Why don't we see more of the Presence of God working in us individually and corporately?
Romans 8:1,2 ... There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh (our 5 physical senses, our sin nature), but according to the (Holy) Spirit. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.
We get so carnally (naturally) - minded in our thinking that we don't acknowledge His Presence when we should acknowledge it in the things that we are doing. We get so caught up in this natural world more than in the Spirit world that it's hard for us to recognize that we are spirit beings.
We seem to be more sensitive to the things of the world we see around us. Instead of being carnally-minded (natural-minded), we need to be more spiritually-minded, spiritually-conscious, giving our spirit man more of an opportunity to speak forth, instead of speaking the things the world is speaking. We should mimic what God says instead of mimicking the world.
We always have His Presence, but we don't always acknowledge it ... seems like we're numb to it. Our attention seems to be placed mainly on other things. This goes back to our sensitivity level. Are we being more sensitive to the things of this world or of the spiritual world? ... and this can shift in a split second, either way.
Reverend Robert W. & Mary C. Butler